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Miami Floating Housing


How do we create a new type of housing for Miami that is affordable, generous & resilient to sea level rise? 

Our housing proposal is inspired by Mangroves – their ability to attenuate storm surges, sustain through rhizomatic root structures, capture the sun’s energy, harvest rainwater and provide shade for diverse life.

The affordable housing is organized in a meandering field that allows tidal flows and buffers storm surges. Root-like piers brace against winds & currents. 31 floating multifamily houses of 5 types create individuation. 88 one-bedroom, 66 two-bedroom and 55 three-bedroom apartments, each with multiple exposures, offer diversity. All houses have boat docks, roof gardens and grey water recycling.

6 Green Islands offer playgrounds and swimming pools, with reverse osmosis desalination systems below. Photovoltaic canopies flutter over the housing, collect rainwater and give shade. The housing is a prototype deployed along the coast to buffer mainland communities from storm surges and house displaced residents. 

An elevated pedestrian/cycling network links all units and doubles as utility circuit. It connects to Little Haiti & Little River and bridges Legion Park to Picnic Island. Community buildings provide grocery store, fitness center and cultural spaces.

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